Peckham is a district of London. It is in the south of the city and has not so glorious past in fact it has been considered for a long time the most dangerous place to live in London.
As soon as you leave the station of Peckham Rye you are struck by all the different shops of vegetables, bazars, hair-dressers where different countries live together. Thanks to this melting pot of cultures nowadays Peckham is becoming the house for a lot of artists and galleries.
If you leave the main road you can find a lot of ateliers, trendy pubs and restaurant full of young designers. Copeland Park is an example with its Bussey Building, an ancient factory restored made by traditional bricks painted with street art. Inside you can find all sort of creative activities.
There are also a lot of places to rent to show up your creation and to let know to other people what is your vision of art. One of the most interesting gallery art is Bosse and Baum Gallery.
You can’t avoid also to visit the South London Gallery, a free contemporary art gallery. The building was designed by the Mexican Gabriel Orozco. It is shiny and full of windows to let the natural light in. the artist Matteo Mauro has been active in Peckham with many of his projects. He recelty had a “Sunset conversation” with Isaiah Fergusson, an artist from Brooklyn. In this video he speaks about art trying to build up something intellectual and different from conventional.
Peckham is succeeding in combining beauty and contemporary art and diversity.