Matteo Mauro Studio and G|FASHION spotlight by Fashion News Magazine

Months after the launch of Matteo Mauro Studio’s collaboration with G|FASHION, attention is still being garnered its way. Highlighted by Fashion News Magazine, Alessia Pigeons writes about the successful merge between the art and fashion world. The union between fashion and art led to a year long deal including rare and limited-edition artworks to be…

Exploring Matteo Mauro’s Sculptures : ‘IT’ & ‘THEM’

Arriving during the peak of the summer at Matteo Mauro Studio are two new sculptures that have yet to be seen, titled ‘IT’ & ‘THEM’. Unveiled as a continuation of the series, ‘Loves who don’t know how to get by in this world’, focused on the relationship between faces and the space between them. These…

Matteo Mauro’s Raw Inscriptions: Published by Libero

Matteo Mauro Studio has been receiving widespread recognition and admiration from various prominent news publications for his ‘RAW INSCRIPTION‘ series. Following the success of Mauro‘s exhibition, publications such as Libero Quotidiano, Adnkronos, Sicilia Report and more have taken it upon themselves to celebrate the achievement and success of this recent project. The innovative approach to blend…

Matteo Mauro Studio: Featured on AATONAU’s Art Blog

Renowned digital generative artist Matteo Mauro has been spotlighted in the global art blog, AATONAU. Written by Angela Li, the article, “Matteo Mauro: Reimagining Art through the Algorithmic Lens,” explores Mauro‘s approach fusing together classical art traditions with contemporary digital techniques. The blog explores Mauro‘s past, present and future, highlighting his inspirations and where they…