Arriving during the peak of the summer at Matteo Mauro Studio are two new sculptures that have yet to be seen, titled ‘IT’ & ‘THEM’. Unveiled as a continuation of the series, ‘Loves who don’t know how to get by in this world’, focused on the relationship between faces and the space between them. These sculptures continue developing the dynamic between faces and the spaces between them, marking a distinct evolution from Mauro‘s sculptures in 2020, ‘HE’ and ‘SHE’. The new sculptures feature an increase in the number of negative faces removed from the piece, deepening the thematic depth. ‘IT’ & ‘THEM’ revolve around the idea of distance in human and spatial relationships, being so close, yet physically far. With each sculpture the idea between each relationship differs, with ‘THEM’ focusing more on the human experience, while ‘IT’ refers to the robotic.

Through ‘IT’, Mauro explores the relationship people have between the computer and themselves through the depiction of a cyborg. This sculpture symbolizes communication at a digital level, ‘IT’ represents the relationship that each of us feel when using technology to communicate with one another. Feeling so close, but in presence in an entirely different place. ‘IT’ depicts two faces striving to reach one another, yet separated by the physical realm. Sculpted and cast out of bronze with green patina features, the faces depicted are meant to stick out as robotic rather than human.

‘THEM’, is a representation of discovery and unity between one another. This piece depicts two lovers trying to find themselves and come together as one. This reflects upon the classic relationship of finding true love and completing one another, serving as a metaphor for one of life’s greatest tropes.