Matteo Mauro Studio has been at the forefront of digital generative art for almost a decade, pioneering a new path of where generative art and digital art can lead. Working in the digital realm allows for a new way of production, while reducing stress on the environment. Sustainability isn’t the first thought that comes to mind when thinking of the art, although in reality, the art world is heavily associated with causing an high environmental impact, compared to digital revolution taking storm today. Changing the market place is the tokenization of artworks, transforming physical works into unique digital assets on the blockchain, creating an innovative alternative towards the global art market.

Highlighted by Road to Green 2020, a non-profit association founded to promote issues related to sustainability and environmental culture, they found Matteo Mauro Studio and his digital artworks to be a positive sign towards a greener future. The non-fungible token (NFT) world has created a reduction in the burden put on the environment caused from the production, packaging, and transportation costs associated with tradizionale artwork. However, its to be reminded that there’s a significant energy consumption related to digital artwork. This requires improvements to be made in all sectors related to the creation and distribution of art.

Mauro was quoted in the article regarding NFTS as, “a platform for the distribution and sale of digital art, reducing the need for physical production and the resulting environmental impacts related to production, packaging and transportation. However, it is also important to consider the environmental impact of blockchain technologies, especially regarding energy consumption. The transition to more eco-friendly blockchains and the adoption of greener practices are crucial to ensure that the use of NFTs truly contributes to reducing the overall environmental impact. However, physical art cannot be replaced, just like digital art now. So rather than comparing the two, I would address individually how to improve the sustainability parameters of each.”

Mauro want’s collectors and art enthusiasts to understand the efforts and impacts of not only his artwork, but also the entire global market.

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