Amelia Tomasicchio, CEO of The Cryptonomist and crypto expert, interviews Matteo Mauro Studio. As expert in digital marketing, Amelia began working in the fintech sector in 2014 after writing her thesis on Bitcoin technology. Previously author for Cointelegraph and CMO at Eido. She is now the co-founder and editor-in-chief of The Cryptonomist.

The interview took place on The Nemesis, virtual art gallery to showcase artworks in a beautiful, easy to understand and futuristic way. The setting for displaying artworks is itself part of the artistic process. The interview revolves around the topic of NFT and Matteo Mauro Studio’s NFT plan. Matteo Mauro’s first NFTs were targeted tokenization offers made to buyers already in possession of the physical artwork, while now the artist has started selling NFTs natively on his Foundation marketplace.

Watch the full interview on Youtube: Link Here.