“Ipotesi di fiaba” from Blue Rokoko

“Ipotesi di fiaba” from Blue Rokoko is the new abstract painting of Matteo Mauro. “Ipotesi di fiaba”- Blue Rokoko // Micromegalic Inscriptions Dimensions: 100×55 cm Single piece, Varnished aluminium print Sold – Private Collection “Ipotesi di fiaba” from Blue Rokoko è uno dei nuovi esperimenti artistici di Matteo Mauro e fa parte a pieno titolo delle…

Ruf Dug with Matteo Mauro @ Sunset Conversations

17.03.19 Simon Ruf Dug. Manchester, UK [IG DG] The next guest at Sunset Conversations is Simon Ruf Dug. This time the Art meets the Music because Ruf Dug is a musician. “Ruf Dug joins dots like none other, never once losing the connection between the mind, the body, the soul, and the dance”. Musical artist, dj…

Sculptor Ian Edwards guest @ Matteo Mauro’s Sunset Conversation Art Show

Ian Edwards will be having a live streaming conversation with artist Matteo Mauro on the 9th of March 5pm EU time. Sunset Conversations is a live streaming program which brings together international artists to discuss and ponder around contemporary art and practices. Ian Edwards’ works express creativity, insights, and truth; the purpose of each piece is…

Barocco has been awarded “European Excellence of Arts” Prize

Matteo Mauro wins the “European Excellence of Arts” Award with his artwork Baroque. The Award ceremony is on 27–28 February 2019 at Palazzo Velli – piazza S. Egidio 10, Rome. It starts at 15,30. Guests: Serena Carlino, Rino Lucia, Sandro Serradifalco e Pietro Serradifalco. Cocktail party Video-exhibition of artworks by artists awarded from 27 February…

Matteo Mauro Studio Hiring Administrator and Artist Assistant

Two positions available at @matteomaurostudio: Administrator Plus+ // FT – PT *Requirements: Smile Friendly English Language Advanced Skills PC User Friendly Social Media Friendly Poetic Writing Competences Ability to Work with Care and Intelligence Artist Assistant // FT – PT *Requirements: Creative Thinking Oil-Acrylic Painting 3D Modelling-Sculpting Adobe Creative Suite Friendly Photography and Filming Competences…

Radioshead di Nirvana Kamala @ Sunset Conversations con Matteo Mauro

28.02.19 – Radioshead, Nirvana Kamala. Erbil, Kurdistan. [ IG ]. Radioshead. Modern Baroque. History and modern culture is an Instagram account managed by Nirvana Kamala, a Kurdish student that cames from Erbil. The artistic project will be protagonist of the next episode of Sunset Conversations, on 28th February. Through the live stream program we will…

World of Artists Community at Sunset conversations

23.02.19 – World of Artists Community. Worldwide. [IG]. Matteo Mauro will meet World of Artists Community during the next episode of Sunset Conversations. The art streaming program is a way to interact with an home for the most inspiring artists and creatives. On the platform are featured the artworks of the artists who gets selected…