Matteo Mauro joins DECORAZON Gallery’s exclusive roster of artists

Matteo Mauro is proud to announce that he is now represented by the DECORAZON Gallery, an international contemporary art gallery with current presence in London, New York and Dallas. Matteo is honoured and pleased to be now part of the gallery’s exclusive roster of artists, along with talented artists of the calibre of David Crismon,…

A few Notes about Peckham – London 2019

Peckham is a district of London. It is in the south of the city and has not so glorious past in fact it has been considered for a long time the most dangerous place to live in London. As soon as you leave the station of Peckham Rye you are struck by all the different shops of vegetables,…

The last Rokoko – Edition of 2

Rokoko is one of the latest artworks by Matteo Mauro. Rokoko – Edition of 2 // Micromegalic Inscriptions L’ultimo Rokoko di Matteo Mauro non si può ridurre soltanto a dipinto astratto, iscrizione digitale interna all’orizzonte dell’arte generativa. È a tutti gli effetti un’opera a metà strada tra pittura e scultura che prosegue il progetto di…

Ruf Dug with Matteo Mauro @ Sunset Conversations

17.03.19 Simon Ruf Dug. Manchester, UK [IG DG] The next guest at Sunset Conversations is Simon Ruf Dug. This time the Art meets the Music because Ruf Dug is a musician. “Ruf Dug joins dots like none other, never once losing the connection between the mind, the body, the soul, and the dance”. Musical artist, dj…