Micromegalic Inscriptions @ Museo Crocetti – Rome

Matteo Mauro is going to exhibit his abstract paintings from the series Baroque @ ‘L’anima, il colore, la materia’ – Fondazione Museo Crocetti of Rome. Opening: 15 Sept, 17:30 – Fondazione Museo Crocetti Exhibition dates: 15 – 27 Sept 2018 Una delle tappe fondamentali dell’originale lavoro di ricerca artistica di Matteo Mauro approda alla mostra di arte…

Air @ Wondertime Catania 2018 07 Sept / 07 Oct.

Air is the first painting of the series of inscriptions ‘Four Elements’ by the artist Matteo Mauro. This will be exhibited for one month @ Wondertime Catania 2018, Polo Museale Civico – Monastero di Santa Chiara. Exhibition dates: 07 Sept – 07 Oct 2018 Matteo Mauro espone Air– il primo dipinto della serie di opere…

Matteo Mauro selected to exhibit at Barcelona International Gallery Awards

Matteo Mauro is officially part of the 30 selected artists, among more than 700 participants, of the Barcelona International Gallery Awards. From September 28th, his work will be exhibited at CAGE contemporary art gallery. Sarà la galleria d’arte contemporanea CAGE a ospitare le 70 opere finaliste, selezionate tra più di 700 partecipanti, del Barcelona International…

Matteo Mauro – Forma e Forme @ Museo Marte

Matteo Mauro partecipa a Forma e Forme. Esclusiva Italiana al Museo Marte dal 19 al 28 Luglio 29018. La FORMA come base per la creazione artistica. La ricerca formale, dalle teorie della gestalt alle forme della Accardi, interessa gli artisti. Forma chiusa-forma aperta, intersezione o contiguità di forme, rapporto forma-colore, tutto ciò informa l’arte moderna…

Matteo Mauro e il Progetto di Arte Digitale ‘Baroque’ @Koart Gallery

Matteo Mauro e il progetto di arte digitale ‘Baroque’: un lavoro di ricerca assolutamente originale e innovativo. Currentlt @ KoArt: unconventional place: Baroque // Micromegalic Inscriptions. Source // Paolo de Matteis. Europe, Spring 2018. Imprinted on Aluminium, edition of 10. Dimensions: 80×55 cm. Directions // Galleria koart: unconventional place via San Michele 28 Catania +39 3397179005 info@galleriakoart.com…

Sculpture ‘Desert Dweller’ @ Royal Academy of Arts 12 Jun / 19 Aug.

Matteo Mauro ‘Desert Dweller’ has been selected by the London Royal Academy of Arts for their annual Summer exhibition. This Architectural Sculpture was realised in 2016 by the artist who explored different sculpting tools and finishing methods. The Exhibition runs between the 12th Jun / 19th Aug. This year curated by the great Grayson Perry. Address: Burlington House,…

Picame Magazine Features Artist Matteo Mauro’s Inscriptions

‘Gli strumenti principali che utilizza sono programmi di modellazione e di sculpting con “argilla digitale”, uniti a linguaggio Java e tecniche di intaglio analogico.’ Estratto dall’articolo ‘En-Plein Air: l’impressionismo incontra la tecnica digitale nella nuova serie di Matteo Mauro’. Pubblicato sulla rivista italiana Picame Mag. Oct, 2017.

Matteo Mauro wins ‘Master of Arts 2018’ Prize

Matteo Mauro has been awarded the ‘Master of Arts 2018’ Prize. The series of painting named ‘Micromegalic Inscriptions’ scores again, pushing the artist towards a new success. Thanks to the new series of Paintings ‘Four Elements’ he received much attention and made him win the MoA2018 Prize. Here two shots of the prize giving ceremony with…