Sunset Conversation con Ryan Burke

What is it: Sunset Conversation with Ryan Burke. ‘A way to explore ever-evolving relationship between makeup, styling, and photography to create unique expressive characters unrelated to any particular culture, society, race, religion, or gender.’ Ryan Burke – Photographer, Make Up and Visual Artist. Un nuovo incontro tra Matteo Mauro e Ryan Burke dopo Excessive portraits, questa…

Fernando Mastrangelo @ Sunset Conversations

Sunset Conversations darà spazio nelle prime puntate anche a un’altra personalità del mondo dell’arte e non solo, Fernando Mastrangelo. Artista e designer che ha rivoluzionato gli schemi introducendo nelle sue opere materiali granulari come le ceneri da cremazione e la cocaina. La sua azione non si è attuata solo con audaci sculture e pezzi d’arredamento,…

The Tyranny of The Clock

[English] In no characteristic is existing society in the West so sharply distinguished from the ear-lier societies, whether of Europe or the East, than in its conception of time. To the an-cient Chinese or Greek, to the Arab herdsman or Mexican peon of today, time is repre-sented in the cyclic processes of nature, the alternation…

Matteo Mauro on Rusted Radishes Literary and Art Journal

Matteo Mauro is on Rusted Radishes: Beirut Literary and Art Journal with his painting Aquamarine. The publication is on printed paper and it is available online here. The post talks about the contemporary artist Matteo Mauro with a short biography and it describes his artistic creation and his contemporary sensibility as, “observation and exploration the…

Le Temps est une Invention des Gens Incapables d’Aimer

Il concetto di progresso, su cui si fondano i «valori occidentali», è strettamente connesso al concetto di tempo lineare, ovvero il tempo del mercante (e degli affari) contrapposto al tempo ciclico del contadino (economia naturale). Il tempo ciclico si fonda soprattutto su criteri biologici e astronomici, ovvero sul ciclico succedersi delle stagioni che regola le…

Sunset Conversation with Carlos Jiménez Cenamor

What is it: Sunset Conversation with Carlos Jiménez Cenamor. Why is it: A way to interact with an important personality of contemporary art and his creative universe that includes different forms as fashion, design, video and architecture. When is it: On 28 December at dusk-time (CET). Where is it: On Instagram Live-Stream Feature @matteomaurostudio –…

The Clock

A clock is an instrument for measuring and recording time. In its historical journey the clock has changed the meaning for which it was designed to become a status symbol and a customs encoder. We live in a world where the clock imposes movements and repress our actions. It transforms the natural process of time…


La parola orologio è formata dalle parole greche: hora (ora) e legein (dire). L’orologio è uno strumento di indicazione dell’ora e, in senso più generale, di misurazione del trascorrere del tempo. Nel proprio percorso storico l’orologio ha travalicato il significato per il quale è stato ideato – registrare il passare del tempo – finendo per…

The Fall and The Swing // Micromegalic Inscriptions of Matteo Mauro

New digital abstract paintings for Matteo Mauro’s project Micromegalic Inscriptions. The Fall and The Swing are the latest artworks of the artist Matteo Mauro. Two different artworks, but the artist can only imagine them together. The Fall and The Swing // Micromegalic InscriptionsAutumn 2018 “Delicacy is a forgotten Art” (Matteo Mauro) L’autunno ha portato con…

Matteo Mauro interviewed by Forwart Magazine

The interview with Matteo Mauro is published on Forwart Magazine. The contemporary digital artist tells in “Astrazioni digitali: intervista con Matteo Mauro” his route in the world of the abstract art: research about new techniques, influences from post-digital art, Lucy Johnston and Digitally Handmade, the first works with Isaïe Bloch e Ron Arad, inspirations from…