Matteo Mauro interviewed by Forwart Magazine

The interview with Matteo Mauro is published on Forwart Magazine. The contemporary digital artist tells in “Astrazioni digitali: intervista con Matteo Mauro” his route in the world of the abstract art: research about new techniques, influences from post-digital art, Lucy Johnston and Digitally Handmade, the first works with Isaïe Bloch e Ron Arad, inspirations from…

Matteo Mauro solo exhibition in Nanjing

Matteo Mauro has been invited to China for a set of solo shows in Nanjing and Shanghai. Anben Artyeh Gallery – 南京, Nánjīng, May 2019. The exhibition will begin with an opening ceremony at 3pm on Friday the 3rd of May 2019. Unreleased paintings from the latest series Baroque will on show.

Interview with Matteo Mauro on Picame Magazine

Matteo Mauro interviewed by Picame Magazine: “Il mio Barocco e le astrazioni computerizzate di Matteo Mauro” is the title of the interview recently published on the website of the magazine It is on a personal reinterpretation of the Baroque by the artist. He talks about the new work of Micromegalic Inscriptions, he reflects on…

Be Wise, Invest in Art

Be wise, Invest in Art.An average western-minded person spends between £250 and £700 on clothing or technology on a monthly basis. Metropolitan weekends cost an average of £600 monthly. A poor quality trap lyric shows-off spendings of about £50,000. £10,000 is what a retarded average 300k+ trapper spends on his monthly appearance treat. An influencer would do as bad, if…

Water new Artwork of the Series -Four Elements- by Matteo Mauro

Water is the new abstract painting of the series Four Elements by Matteo Mauro. This abstract painting will be produced in a very limited edition. It is a varnished aluminium print. Water // Four ElementsDimensions: 140×140 cmVarnished aluminium printSicily, Fall 2018. La serie intitolata ai quattro elementi naturali prosegue. Dopo l’aria è la volta dell’acqua.…

Matteo Mauro wins “Outstanding Works Award” from Qianjiang Museum of Art

Matteo Mauro has been awarded “Outstanding Works Award” from Qianjiang Museum of Art, Hangzhou, in Zhejiang, China. Matteo Mauro’s paintings Baroque, Peruvian Streams and Cuzco have acquired by Permanent Collection of Qianjiang International Art Museum 錢江國際美術館 of Hangzhou. Award for Outstanding Work Qianjiang International Art Museum 錢江國際美術館 Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China Fall 2018 Baroque (154×42), Peruvian…

Commento Critico sul Reimpressionismo di Matteo Mauro

La serie Impressions attraversa la storia dell’arte, non intendendola come inevitabile susseguirsi di movimenti artistici, ma come cambiamenti e ribaltamenti di concezioni artistici e sociali. Le opere in questione compiono dei passaggi fatti di tecniche, percezioni, strumenti e modi di esprimersi. Matteo Mauro si appropria di una grande conquista dell’impressionismo: la libertà di scegliere un…

Sunset Conversations: a new Art Streaming Program by Matteo Mauro Studio

The artist Matteo Mauro is going to launch a new Art Streaming Program, Sunset Conversations. It is a live stream project which brings in conversation international art related people. The guests will interact on Instagram Live-Stream Feature @matteomaurostudio. Live stream program: Sunset Conversations When: Dusk-time (CET) Where: Instagram Live-Stream Feature @matteomaurostudio A project by Matteo…

Matteo Mauro wins “European Excellence of Arts”

Matteo Mauro has been awarded “European Excellence of Arts” Award. A recognition of international relevance for the artist Matteo Mauro with video-exhibitions in Rome, Barcelona and Paris.   Award: “Premio Eccellenza Europea delle Arti” Award ceremony: 27 February at Palazzo Velli – piazza S. Egidio 7-9, Rome. Video-exhibition dates – the first stage: from 4…

‘Micromegalic Inscriptions’ International Book Distributors

Title: Micromegalic Inscriptions. Subtitle: A Rococo story of Contemporary Engravings. Author: Matteo Mauro. Introduction by: Oliver Domeisen. Genre: History of Art, Contemporary Art. Publishing date: Oct 2018.  Publisher: Edizioni Le Penseur. — WHERE TO BUY IT // The book is available online on the following platforms: Amazon, Book-Please, Book Depository, Rarewaves, LePenseur, IBS, Feltrinelli, Libreriauniversitaria… Selected…