December Dream – Matteo Mauro

The Painting ‘December Dream’, from Matteo Mauro‘s Impressions series, is now available as varnished aluminium limited edition print. Order it by contacting us via mail: // New 2018 Price list is available on request. New paintings available soon. Stay tuned @matteomaurostudio  

En-Plein Air – Water Lilies

Matteo Mauro’s Water Lilies are abstract paintings inspired by Monet’s impressionist water gardens. Read more about this creations on MM Studio Website or in the following articles: Reimpressionism – Matteo Mauro and the Rebirth of Monet’s Water Gardens // UFunk. En Plein Air – Matteo Mauro Reinterpreta i Capolavori dell’Impressionismo // Artwort. Matteo Mauro – Artist Spotlight // Tax Collection. En-Plein Air:…

‘En-Plein Air’ – Interview Released on Tax Collection Magazine

Read Matteo Mauro recent interview on Tax Collection in regard to the new series of paintings ‘En-Plein Air’. In the interview the artist goes through the processes and the sources of inspirations that made the series happening, unveiling secrets about his creative life and working techniques. The artist re-imagines well-known impressionist paintings by Monet and Cross…

‘En-Plein Air’ Features Neo-Impressionist artist Henri Edmond Cross

En Plein Air’ includes paintings inspired by Neo-Impressionist Henri Edmonton Cross. Cross evolved Impressionism by emphasising on geometric distorted forms and using unnatural or arbitrary colours, as well as connecting the movement to social and political beliefs. Neo-impressionism is dominated by the ‘Pointillist’ and ‘Divisionist’ techniques. Read Full article Matteo Mauro – Neo-Impressionism, The Flowered Trees.

Matteo Mauro “Visual Sounds” – Aluminium Print

‘Visual Sounds’, award winning painting of the serie Fictional Landscapes, is available as limited serie Aluminium print. Painting created in November 2016, London. Contact MM for more info. The formal investigation, behind the creation of this painting, is carried through a study on ornamentation and sound. Four soundtracks were selected as case studies, and analysed with sound measuring tools that…

Redevelopment of Cusco Airport – Matteo Mauro Studio

The project is conceived following a research on micromegalic architecture, and on pre/post Colombian city planning and urban symbolism. After testing concepts and design techniques on a series of outposts located in the Andean desert, the final project consists of a Master Plan to redevelop the vast site of the closing Cusco Airport. “As human life…

Interview with Matteo Mauro on Artwort

Recently published Interview with Matteo Mauro on Artwort. The article is titled ‘When Inscription Becomes Digital’. Artwort is an online magazine of art, architecture, design, photography, fashion, illustration and technology. The interview, that mainly covers the latest series of Digital Inscriptions ‘I too was in Arcadia‘, gives an expose’ of the artist’s vision and his relation…