Conferenza Stampa ADI Museum Milano – 01-10-20

Barocco & Neobarocco lo spirito del nostro tempo La conferenza stampa si terrà giorno 1 Ottobre p.v., alle 11:30, durante “Milano Design City”, presso la nuova sede dell’ ADI Design Museum Compasso d’Oro in via Ceresio 7, a Milano. Il design festival si svolgerà a Ragusa, nelle date 11-12-13 dicembre 2020. Si chiede cortesemente di…

Matteo Mauro Studio su La Voce di Mantova

L’arte di Matteo Mauro sbarca su La Voce di Mantova, quotidiano d’informazione della città di Mantova. L’occasione è uno studio condotto dall’Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele che ha studiato i disturbi del sonno causati alle persone dal lockdown durante il covid19, lo studio ha anche evidenziato come una persona su due, o anche su tre, abbia…

Matteo Mauro Studio interviewed by Museum Week Magazine

Deep in the Art: introducing Matteo Mauro. If you still haven’t heard about Museum Week, it’s an online and offline event that takes place one week a year where a lot of museum, cultural institutions and associations try to promote art and all that it concerns. In this context, Matteo Mauro has released an interview…

In no place I feel home, In no place I feel human

It is said Bacchus was born of Jupiter’s illicit union with princess of Thebes, Semele. As an infant he was transported by Mercury to the Nymphs of Nysa, to avoid Juno’s jealous rage. He then became the god of the vine and bared intoxicating powers. Juno killed his mother. Jupiter never welcomed it in his…

The Story Behind Oreithyia

Oreithyia was once mortal. She used to play with her friends by the Ilisos River. She used to make Gods falling in love with her. It is said, she even rejected Boreas, the north wind. So, he was obliged to rape her, as violence felt more natural to him. Plato thinks this was misinterpreted, and…