Matteo Mauro and NFT Mentioned on Boston Herald

Boston Herald publishes an article about Matteo Mauro and his creation of non-fungible tokens, which were well accepted among collectors and experts as well. The Boston Herald is an American daily newspaper whose main market is Boston, Massachusetts, founded in 1846 and is one of the oldest daily newspapers in the United States. It has…

MarketWatch Writes About New Sculptures by Matteo Mauro

The article about Sweet Half, an incredible sculpture by Matteo Mauro that is getting talked about with respect and admiration around the world is published on March 19th, 2021 on the MarketWatch website. MarketWatch is a website that delivers financial information, business news, analysis, and stock market data, with more than 20 million visitors per…

Matteo Mauro Represented by Return on Art

Sculptures from the series Loves who don’t know how to get by in this world, and Dolce Meta by Matteo Mauro are available through Austrian art dealers Return On Art. Return on Art is a platform located in Vienna, Austria, that generates value for multinational artists and an effortless buying experience for art collectors. They…

Matteo Mauro on Cryptonomist Magazine Talks About NFT

Cryptonomist is the authoritative online newspaper in Italian and English, which is narrating an economic and technological revolution, the crypto-economy. The central topics are cryptocurrencies, fintech, and the blockchain. Besides news and updates, Cryptonomist also provides videos and insights on the most recent topics from the leading authorities in the field. The article is written…

New Community Twitter Account – @mattmaurostudio

Mankind has a relationship with art in many forms, since the beginning of time. It is evident that art has been and will be the important evidence of our existence. We appreciate art in many different ways. Some want to be involved in the creation, while others want just to experience and enjoy it. Art is…

Interview With Matteo Mauro by Fourline Design Magazine

In the Hands of Art- interview with Matteo Mauro by Fourline Design took place in April 2021 and was published on Fourline Design’s magazine by Milena Spasojevic. The interview started with a basic question about Matteo and his beginnings in the world of art. In case you didn’t know already, Matteo was born in Italy, and…

Matteo Mauro Studio at Datong Art Museum Fall 2021.

Matteo Mauro Studio at Datong Art Museum Fall 2021.   Presented by: Shanxi Datong University Shanxi Artists Association Eureka Global Art Group, Canada Dafei Art Studio, Datong China   Media support:,,, NetEase, Phoenix, Today’s Headlines, Baidu, iQiyi, Omni Television, CityTv, Business Link Media Group, Imageaste France, Viva Group…   Sponsors: Yungang Caves…

Matteo Mauro su Azzurro time 

Matteo Mauro è stato intervistato su Azzurro time circa l’arteterapia, riconosciuta in vari Paesi come un’ottima medicina contro ansia, depressione e disturbi del sonno. In proposito l’artista ha detto: “La potenza empatica dell’arte può incidere profondamente sulla psiche. Collezionisti e visitatori scrivono regolarmente al nostro studio per comunicarci che l’interazione con le nostre opere li aiuta…

Matteo Mauro, discorsi sull’arteterapia

Matteo Mauro si è espresso varie volte sull’arteterapia, intervistato da numerosi siti desiderosi di approfondire l’argomento. Il tema principale dunque è la terapia come arte. Nel nostro Paese, evidenzia spesso Matteo Mauro, l’arte svolge un ruolo passivo, è bella da guardarsi ma non è una terapia (se non i casi particolari come Alzheimer e tossicodipendenza)…